Leaving a legacy through a gift in your will helps your values live on, preserving and improving healthcare for future generations.
Whether you're a healthcare professional, patient, or one of our charity supporters, including a gift to us when you are making or updating your will can make a lasting impact on patient care, research, equipment, and community health.
Leave behind a legacy of compassion and care, ensuring that your generosity continues to transform lives long into the future.
Including us in your will
You can include our charity in your will by clearly stating your intention to make a bequest. This can be done through your solicitor.
Our legal name and registered charity number:
County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust Charity (charity number 1053467)
You’ll be making a sustainable impact
Gifts in wills play an essential role in ensuring we can achieve our long-term goals. They allow us to plan and implement projects that would otherwise have taken longer to achieve, such as the retina scanner for the eye clinic and the development of the children’s eye clinic in Darlington and our frailty unit in Bishop Auckland Hospital.
We can help you decide where your support will go
You can designate your bequest to support specific types of projects that align with your interests and priorities. This could be funding equipment, supporting patient experience relating to a particular type of care, treatment, or location, investing in innovation, or leaving it up to us to use your gift where it is needed most. You have the flexibility to make a meaningful impact in areas that matter most to you.
A way to increase your impact
While only a small proportion of our charity's activities are currently funded by gifts in wills, we are committed to increasing this support. Leaving a legacy will positively impact people's lives for generations to come. Speak to us about leaving a gift in your will.